Sunday, March 29, 2015

Uanaounced Cleanup Gaviota Anaheim to 15th Street

There was an announced clean up of Gaviota from Anaheim to 15th Street. Next Sunday there will be an additional unannounced cleanup beginning around 8:00am. Attend the cleanup this coming Saturday on Rose Street starting at Anaheim to find out where. The clean up of Rose Street shouldn't be that bad; the residents actually attend to Rose Street pretty well. Beginning next week I will start posting pictures of before and after to show more clearly how this will make a difference. I will also begin highlighting some of the more creative things people have done with the space between the street and public sideway, to give residents ideas and encourage neighborhood beautification.


  1. I am so proud of you!!!!! Bravo to you for stepping out and doing something concrete on the web. I am sure your efforts will continue to grow and thrive now; bravo!!!
