Save the date: This Saturday: 04/01/2017 from 8am to 12pm. We're providing everyone in the Midtown Area a dumpster to rid themselves of any large trash that will not fit in the trash cans. Look for it at 15th and Gundry. See the attached flyer for more details. We'll be cleaning up Gundry. And a little later that day, Litter Free Long Beach will stop by to pick up any e-waste. That's tires and those things with a cord you have no idea what to do with. This service is provided free by the Neighborhood Service Center. If you'd like to host future clean ups please PM me. The more hosts with have in the Midtown area [PCH to Anaheim/ Cherry to Alamitos] the more often we can do this. We will be providing generous refreshments to all the volunteers.